321+ California DMV Test Answers 2024 [FREE ACCESS]

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California DMV Test Answers – 321+ Questions & Answers Revealed

Please find the right questions and answers for the California DMV test which we divided into sample papers to make it easier for you.

Also, note that every practice exam bundle discussed below has around 46 questions and answers each.

California DMV Test Answers

 California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 1

Q. Generally speaking, you are in a large truck’s blind spot if you
Ans: Cannot see the truck driver in the truck’s side mirrors

Q. You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should
Ans: Wait until the person crosses the street

Q. A red arrow pointing to the right on a traffic light means you may
Ans: Not turn in that direction until the light turns green

Q. You must use your seat belt
Ans: And failure to do so may result in a traffic ticket

Q. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is
Ans: Illegal at all times

Q. When you enter traffic from a full stop (e.g., pulling away from the curb), you
Ans: Need a large enough gap to get up to the speed of traffic

Q. U-turns in residential districts are legal
Ans: When there are no vehicles approaching nearby

Q. At night, if an oncoming vehicle fails to dim its high beams, look
Ans: Toward the right edge of your lane

Q. Dim your lights for oncoming vehicles or when you are within 300 feet of a vehicle
Ans: You are approaching from behind

Q. The “three-second-rule” applied to the space __ of your vehicle
Ans: Ahead

Q. Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two feet or more apart
Ans: Should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed

Q. You are at a red traffic signal. The traffic light turns green, but there are still other vehicles in the intersection. You should
Ans: Wait until the vehicles clear the intersection before entering

Q. Always look carefully for motorcycles before you change lanes because
Ans: Their smaller size makes them harder to see

Q. If you are a minor and your cell phone rings while you are driving, you should
Ans: Let the call go to voice mail

Q. Is it illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _ or more
Ans: 0.01%-One hundredth of one percent

Q. If you see orange construction signs and cones on a freeway, you must
Ans: Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead

Q. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you
Ans: Sell or transfer your vehicle

Q. A peace officer stops you because he suspects you are DUI. You refuse to take a chemical test. What happens now?
Ans: Your driving privilege may be taken away

Q. Before driving into an intersection from a stop, you should look
Ans: Left, right, and left again

Q. You should always turn on your emergency flashers when
Ans: Your vehicle has broken down on the roadway

Q. You are going to make a left turn from a dedicated left-turn lane when a yellow arrow appears for your lane. You should
Ans: Be prepared to obey the next signal that appears

Q. This red and white sign means
Ans: The road ahead is closed to traffic in your direction

Q. If you have a collision, the law requires you to exchange your driver’s license information with
Ans: Others involved in the collision

Q. Before getting out of your parked car on the traffic side of the street, you should
Ans: Check traffic approaching from behind

Q. To make a right turn onto a two-way street from a two-way street, start in the right-hand lane and end in
Ans: The lane closest to the curb

Q. If the roadway is wet and your car starts to skid, you should
Ans: Slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal

Q. You have consented to take a test for the alcohol content of your blood, breath, or urine
Ans: Whenever you drive in California

Q. Parking is NEVER permitted
Ans: In a crosshatched (diagonal) pattern space

Q. You are driving 45 mph in a 55 mph zone. You can be cited for speeding
Ans: If it is unsafe for current weather conditions

Q. This white sign means
Ans: Drive to the right

Q. After passing a car, it is safe to return to your driving lane when
Ans: You see the headlights of the passed car in your rearview mirror

Q. A law enforcement officer notices that one of our passengers is not wearing a seat belt and writes a citation. Which of the following is true?
Ans: You may receive the citation if the passenger is younger than 16

Q. When traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the upcoming intersection, you should
Ans: Wait until you can completely cross the tracks before you proceed

Q. When roads are slippery, you should
Ans: Avoid making fast turns and fast stops

Q. During the first 12 months after you are licensed, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian if you
Ans: Transport minors between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Q. You exit a freeway on a ramp that curves downhill. You should
Ans: Slow to a safe speed before the curve

Q. Following closely behind another vehicle (tailgating)
Ans: Is a common cause of rear-end collisions

Q. If a pedestrian is in a crosswalk in the middle of a block
Ans: The pedestrian has the right-of-way

Q. This red sign means
Ans: Give the right-of-way to other drivers

Q. You may legally drive in any freeway carpool lane if
Ans: You are carrying the minimum number of persons shown on the sign

Q. You are entering a freeway. You should check traffic by
Ans: Checking all mirrors and turning your head

Q. Which way do you turn your front wheels when parked uphill next to a curb?
Ans: Away from the curb

Q. A green arrow pointing to the left on a traffic light means you may
Ans: Make a protected turn in that direction

Q. This sign warns the driver that it is a:

winding road sign

Ans: Winding road

Q. An orange and red sign of this shape always means
Ans: Slow-moving vehicle

Q. Which of these is recommended when driving at night on a dimly lit street?
Ans: Drive slowly enough to stop within the area lighted by your headlights


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 2

Q. IT is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration that is __ OR higher.
Ans: 0.08%- eight hundredths of one percent.

Q. Which of the following increases your chances of having a collision?
Ans: Continually changing lanes to pass other vehicles

Q. To turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street start from:
Ans: The lane closest to the left curb.

Q. When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving?
Ans: When making a call for emergency assistance

Q. When you see this yellow sign you should.

Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk

Ans: Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.

Q. When a traffic signal light isn’t working at an intersection, you should
Ans: Come to a complete stop, then proceed when it is safe.

Q. To be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes you should.
Ans: Look over your shoulder into the lane you want to enter

Q. Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?
Ans: Most cold medications can make a person drowsy.

Q. Which of the following is true about large trucks
Ans: Trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size

Q. Instructions from school crossing guards must be obeyed
Ans: At all times

Q. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person is younger than 18 years of age is present is
Ans: Illegal at all times

Q. When you change lanes or merge with another lane, you
Ans: Need at least a 4-second gap in traffic

Q. Which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists?
Ans: Motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists.

Q. The red and white sign means you should

give the right away to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross

Ans: give the right away to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross

Q. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection:
Ans: Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.

Q. You must make a written report to traffic accident sr 1 to dmv if you
Ans: Are involved in an accident and there is more than $750 in damages

Q. You are getting ready to make a right turn you should
Ans: Signal during the last 100 feet before you turn

Q. Cargo extending more than four feet from your rear bumper”
Ans: Must be marked with a red flag or lights

Q. Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead unless you are
Ans: Parked on a hill or sloping driveway

Q. You are on a two-way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. You may legally pass the vehicle on the right
Ans: If there is enough road between the curb and the vehicle

Q. The speed limit in any alley is
Ans: 20 mph

Q. A peace officer is signaling you to drive to the edge of the roadway you decide to ignore the officer’s warning and flee the scene. You are guilty of a misdemeanor and can be punished by being:
Ans: Jailed in a county for not more than one year

Q. You should adjust your rearview and side mirrors
Ans: before you start driving

Q. You should stop before crossing railroad tracks”
Ans: Any time a train may be approaching, whether or not you can see it.

Q. If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead you should:
Ans: Steer your vehicle around the water, if possible

Q. When driving in fog, snow, or rain, you should use your
Ans: Low beam headlights

Q. Which of these statements is true about child passengers.
Ans: Children under age one should not ride in the front seat in airbag-equipped vehicles

Q. The yellow sign means

Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary.

Ans: Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary.

Q. YOu are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle unless:
Ans: The vehicle is not equipped with safety belts

Q. All of the following are dangerous while driving. Which is also illegal?
Ans: Wearing headset that covers both ears.

Q. A pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street. If you see a pedestrian with a guide dog or white cane waiting to cross at a corner you should:
Ans: Pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine.

Q. You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in
Ans: An exit lane.

Q. The speed limit for a school zone where children are present is __ unless otherwise is posted.
Ans: 25 mph

Q. Two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled t intersection. One vehicle is on the through road and the other is on the road that ends. Who has the right of way at the intersection.
Ans: The vehicle on the through road.

Q. You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. You should:
Ans: Continue through the intersection, Pull to the right, and stop..

Q. For which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle?
Ans: Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked out traffic signals.

Q. Broken yellow lines mean…
Ans: Passing is allowed if done safely

Q. A traffic signal with a flashing yellow arrow means…
Ans: Proceed with caution

Q. What is the use of the special “turnout” areas marked on a two-lane road?
Ans: To allow vehicles behind the driver to pass

Q. When two vehicles meet on a steep mountain road where neither can pass, which vehicle has the right-of-way?
Ans: The vehicle traveling uphill

Q. When you see this sign, you should:

Yield to traffic and pedestrians on the through road

Ans: Yield to traffic and pedestrians on the through road

Q. Left turns at a red light can only be made from a:
Ans: One-way street onto a one-way street

Q. Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart indicate:
Ans: A barrier

Q. If you are having vehicle trouble, first thing you should do is…
Ans: Pull off the road and away from traffic

Q. This warning sign represents:

Ending of a divided highway sign

Ans: Ending of a divided highway

Q. When a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the road, you must
Ans: Stop until the lights stop flashing


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 3

Q. A driver who is involved in a collision should report it to the DMV within:
Ans: 10 days

Q. If you are convicted of reckless driving that resulted in injury to someone, you may
Ans: be sent to jail and/or pay a hefty fine.

Q. If a bicycle on your right reaches the intersection at the same time as you do, you should:
Ans: Yield to the bicycle

Q. The maximum speed limit for vehicles towing trailers is _ on a two-lane undivided highway:
Ans: 55 mph

Q. To avoid tailgating, one should follow the:
Ans: 3-second rule

Q. This sign indicates:


Ans: Yield

Q. The first step a driver should do during an enforcement stop is:
Ans: Turn on the right turn signal

Q. If you are in an intersection and hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, you should:
Ans: Continue through the intersection, then drive to the right and stop

Q. When drivers see livestock, they should:
Ans: Follow directions from the person in charge of these animals

Q. At an unmarked crosswalk, drivers are required to:
Ans: Yield the right-of-way to the pedestrians

Q. A __ sign on a truck means that the load on the truck is potentially dangerous:
Ans: diamond-shaped

Q. While driving in the fog you should use your:
Ans: low-beam lights

Q. A child under the age of 8 years _, when all the rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 7 years:
Ans: May ride in the front seat of a vehicle

Q. Which of the following signs represents two-way traffic?

signs represents two way traffic


Q. You must use your headlights _ after sunset:
Ans: 30 minutes

Q. If you litter on the roadside, you are subjected to a fine of:
Ans: $1,000

Q. A driver who is a minor receives a phone call on hid/her cellphone. He/she should:
Ans: Not answer the call

Q. A child under the age of 8 years _, when all the rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 7 years:
Ans: May ride in the front seat of a vehicle

Q. Use _ steering when correcting a skid:
Ans: Hand-over-hand

Q. ___ are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur.
Ans: Intersections

Q. Before passing another vehicle:
Ans: Look ahead for road conditions and traffic

Q. Disabled people with their placard can park at a _ painted curb
Ans: Blue

Q. Locked wheel skids are usually caused by:
Ans: Braking too hard at a high speed

Q. What does this sign mean?

You are approaching an airport

Ans: You are approaching an airport

Q. A driver in front of you is signaling with hand and arm pointing upwards, which means the driver wants to:
Ans: Turn right

Q. If your parked car rolls away and hits another vehicle, you should:
Ans: Report the incident to the city police

Q. If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should:
Ans: Slow down gradually

Q. A person under the age of 21 years:
Ans: Must have Zero Blood Alcohol Content

Q. In a roundabout, a driver must drive in:
Ans: A counter-clockwise direction

Q. If a car approaches you with bright headlights, you must __, to prevent being temporarily blinded.
Ans: Look toward the right edge of the road

Q. When there are three or more lanes going in one direction on a highway, vehicles passing others or turning left should use:
Ans: The left lane

Q. When parking and leaving your vehicle on a highway or street, which of the following is not recommended?
Ans: Lowering the windows

Q. This arrow sign means:

Turn left or go straight

Ans: Turn left or go straight

Q. If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, you must
Ans: Signal just after you pass through the intersection

Q. When passing other traffic on a two-lane road:
-Avoid passing other vehicles on two-lane roads; it is dangerous
-Do not pull out to pass unless you know you have enough space to pull back
-Always signal before passing

Q. When turning left from a one-way road to another one-way road:
Ans: Bring your vehicle into the nearest left lane for traffic on the road you are entering

Q. What should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?
Ans: Pull over to the side to allow the driver to pass

Q. The first rule of a safe and legal turn is:
Ans: To move into the proper lane well before the turn

Q. Which of the following is not a safe situation for passing?
Ans: When moving through an intersection

Q. Broken yellow lines mean
Ans: Passing is allowed if done safely

Q. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the use of headlights?
Ans: High-beams are used when traveling behind other vehicles

Q. You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle:
Ans: under no circumstances

Q. Lanes of traffic going in opposite directions are divided by:
Ans: Yellow lane dividers

Q. High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) lanes are reserved for:
Ans: Carpools and vehicles with more than one person

Q. Following too closely behind a vehicle is also known as:
Ans: Tailgating

Q. You must use high-beam lighting in all of following situations, except:
Ans: In fog, snow, or heavy rain


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 4

Q. When overtaking and passing another vehicle on a two-lane road, you should pass only to:
Ans: the left of the vehicle

Q. When in a roundabout, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:
Ans: stop your vehicle to turn.

Q. What does this warning sign mean?

Stop sign ahead

Ans: Stop sign ahead

Q. For interstate driving, slow-moving vehicles must travel _, except when passing.
Ans: in the right-hand lane

Q. When you see a yield sign on your way or at an intersection, you must:
Ans: Slow down to a reasonable speed and yield the right-of-way to all vehicles

Q. The wide white line painted across a traffic lane before you enter the intersection is known as:
Ans: Limit line

Q. A yield sign indicates that a driver must slow down when approaching an intersection and _ if a vehicle or pedestrian with the right-of-way is approaching from another direction.
Ans: be prepared to come to a complete stop

Q. This sign represents:

A schoolzone

Ans: A schoolzone

Q. If a tire suddenly goes flat while driving, you must:
Ans: Hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle straight

Q. A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for:
Ans: Left turns only

Q. Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look _ while backing.
Ans: to the rear

Q. If you approach a roundabout, always enter to the _ of the central island.
Ans: right

Q. Large electronic flashing arrow panels may be used in work zones day and night to:
Ans: Guide drivers into certain traffic lanes

Q. To turn left from a one-way street to another, a driver must begin the turn:
Ans: From the left lane and make the turn close to the left curb

Q. Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must _ and watch for oncoming vehicles.
Ans: Slow down, move to the right side of the road

Q. When should you yield to another driver at an intersection?
-If the driver is just starting to enter the intersection
-If the driver is to your right and reaches the intersection at the same time as you do
-If the driver reaches the intersection before you

Q. A vehicle’s stopping distance is equal to:
Ans: the braking distance + reaction distance

Q. If you are approaching a stop sign, you must:
Ans: Stop at the solid white limit line

Q. All regulatory devices on the road instruct you:
Ans: To stop, proceed in a certain direction, or limit your speed

Q. This regulatory sign represents:

No U turn

Ans: No U-turn

Q. When should you switch on your high-beam headlights?
Ans: When driving in open country or on dark city streets or on unfamiliar roads.

Q. When you turn from a high-speed, two-lane roadway, _ if you have traffic following you.
Ans: Try not to slow down your vehicle too quickly

Q. ____ show parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
Ans: Blue pavement markings


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 5

Q. You must use high-beam lighting in all of the following situations, except:
Ans: In fog, snow, or heavy rain

Q. What should you do if you are overtaking a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is approaching at the same time?
Ans: You must slow down and let the vehicle pass first to give extra room to the bicycle

Q. This posted sign is a/an:

Speed limit on highways

Ans: Speed limit on highways

Q. Blind pedestrians may carry _________canes or use the assistance of guide dogs.
Ans: White

Q. If you drive slower than the flow of traffic, you will most likely:
Ans: Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket

Q. You should cut your speed in half when the road is
Ans: packed with snow

Q. A yield sign indicates that a driver must slow down when approaching an intersection and _ if a vehicle or pedestrian with the right-of-way is approaching from another direction.
Ans: be prepared to come to a complete stop

Q. What does this sign mean?

A disabled parking permit

Ans: A disabled parking permit

Q. For smoothest driving when there are three lanes to choose from, choose __ lane for smoothest driving.
Ans: the middle

Q. _____ on your side of the road indicates a no-passing zone.
Ans: A solid yellow line

Q. Before changing lanes on a freeway, you should signal for at least:
Ans: 5 seconds

Q. If you approach a roundabout, always enter to the _ of the central island.
Ans: right

Q. When approaching a school zone while children are outside, you must drive 25 mph if you are within __ feet of the school.
Ans: 500-1000

Q. To turn left from a one-way street to another, a driver must begin the turn:
Ans: From the left lane and make the turn close to the left curb

Q. Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must _ and watch for oncoming vehicles.
Ans: Slow down, move to the right side of the road

Q. What does this arrow mark sign indicate?

Go only straight

Ans: Go only straight

Q. A vehicle’s stopping distance is equal to:
Ans: the braking distance + reaction distance

Q. If you are approaching a stop sign, you must:
Ans: Stop at the solid white limit line

Q. All regulatory devices on the road instruct you:
Ans: To stop, proceed in a certain direction, or limit your speed

Q. When should you switch on your high-beam headlights?
Ans: When driving in open country or on dark city streets

Q. Drive into a special “turnout” area to:
Ans: allow vehicles to pass you.

Q. A single solid white line across a road at an intersection means that a motorist must _ for
Ans: Stop behind the line

Q. Which of these signs directs you to a hospital?

hospital direction sign

Q. At dawn or dusk, or in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. As good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn:
Ans: On your headlights

Q. When changing lanes on a freeway, you should:
Ans: Signal for at least five seconds

Q. Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right-of-way:
Ans: Weather or not a cross walk is marked

Q. A police officer is signaling you to continue driving through a red traffic light. What should you do?
Ans: Do as the officer tells you

Q. Which if these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks?
Ans: Tank Trucks marked with hazardous materials placards

Q. Which of the following will help you to avoid being hit from behind?
Ans: Decreasing your following distance

Q. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street:
Ans: If traffic on the street is moving to the left

Q. Highways are typically most slippery:
Ans: When it first starts to rain after a dry spell

Q. When planning to pass another vehicle you should:
Ans: Not count on other drivers making room for you

Q. Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction:
Ans: Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn

Q. When making a right turn from a highway with two lanes in your direction you may turn from:
Ans: The lane nearest the curb or edge of the roadway

Q. What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights?
Ans: You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first

Q. You should use your horn when:
Ans: It may help prevent a collision

Q. You want to turn left ahead. In the middle of the road, there is a lane marked as shown. You must:
Ans: Merge completely into this lane before you make your left turn

Q. You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because:
Ans: You need the extra room to see around the truck

Q. Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true?
Ans: Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving

Q. At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:
Ans: Look to the sides of your vehicle

Q. If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on you:
Ans: Headlights

Q. You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the:
Ans: Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken

Q. Which of these statements is true about road work zones?
Ans: You must “Slow for the Cone Zone”

Q. Animals may be transported in the back of a pickup truck only if:
Ans: They are are properly secured

Q. You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the light turns red:
Ans: Under any circumstances

Q. You want to pass a bicyclist riding on the right edge of your lane. You:
Ans: Must not squeeze past the bicyclist


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 6

Q. You must file a Report to Traffic Accident Occurring in California (SR 1) with DMV within 10 days if you:
Ans: Are in a collision that causes $750 in damage

Q. You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should:
Ans: Wait until the person crosses the street

Q. You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do?
Ans: Drive to the right edge of the road and stop

Q. When there is water on the roadway you must reduce your speed to avoid:
Ans: hydroplaning

Q. Whenever you want to change lanes you must check for traffic:
Ans: behind your vehicle and to the sides

Q. If an emergency vehicle is moving in your lane displaying red flashing lights or using a siren you are required to:
Ans: pull over to the curb and stop

Q. If you approach an intersection at which the traffic lights are not working you must first __ before entering the intersection and yield the right-of-way.
Ans: come to a complete stop

Q. Things that can distract your attention away from the road include:
Ans: text messaging and talking on the phone

Q. _ are designed to allow vehicles to slow down and leave the expressways.
Ans: Exit ramps

Q. When you find both a solid and a dashed yellow line between opposing lanes of traffic you must not pass:
Ans: if the solid yellow line is on your side

Q. A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that:
Ans: passing is permitted on the side of the broken line but not on the side of the solid line

Q. Which of the following should be done before entering the curve in order to avoid a skid while driving?
Ans: Reduce the speed by applying brakes

Q. If a driver behind you repeatedly flashes his/her headlights you should:
Ans: get out of the way

Q. When passing a truck or a commercial motor vehicle the passing car driver must watch for:
Ans: the side, rear and front no-zones

Q. If you double your speed on a highway
Ans: your braking distance increases by four times

Q. When driving on gravel or dirt you must slow down because:
Ans: you do not have much traction

Q. When following a large vehicle at night always:
Ans: dim your high-beam headlights

Q. If you are on a single or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes
Ans: you must yield the right-of-way to other traffic

Q. When stopped behind another vehicle on a hill you should stay back at least:
Ans: one vehicle length

Q. You must not pass another vehicle if you see:
Ans: an approaching hill or a curve where there is no clear visibility a school bus ahead with red flashing lights and an extended stop arm

Q. When turning corners drivers must turn the steering wheel using:
Ans: the hand-over-hand technique

Q. When traveling on a one-way street you must use:
Ans: the outside lanes for turning and the center lanes for through-travel

Q. You should __ when you are preparing to turn left at an intersection and see an oncoming vehicle.
Ans: yield the right-of-way to the oncoming vehicle

Q. If you are driving at a slower speed than other traffic on a highway or freeway stay in the lane:
Ans: nearest to the right side of the road

Q. Yellow pavement markings on the road indicate:
Ans: the left edge of a roadway

Q. Which of the following must NOT be done if your vehicle’s tire blows out?
Ans: Brake immediately

Q. If it feels like your tires have lost traction with the surface of the road you should:
Ans: ease your foot off the gas pedal keep the steering wheel straight not stop until your tires are gripping the road again

Q. If a blind pedestrian is waiting at a crosswalk with a white cane or a guide dog you must:
Ans: stop your vehicle within 5 feet of the crosswalk

Q. Do not _ at crash scenes or at locations along the highway where a law enforcement officer may have a vehicle pulled off the road.
Ans: rubberneck

Q. A driver must _ for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road.
Ans: come to a complete stop

Q. If you see a stray animal in your path you should:
Ans: slow down or stop if it is safe

Q. When making a right turn look right and left yield right-of-way and turn the steering wheel using:
Ans: a hand-over-hand technique

Q. Talking on a cell phone while driving increases your chances of being in a crash by:
Ans: as much as four times

Q. On a road with three or more lanes traveling in the same direction the left-most lane is intended to be used:
Ans: to pass slower vehicles

Q. At the end of most entry ramps on a freeway you will find _ that allows you to increase your speed.
Ans: an acceleration lane

Q. Making U-turns is not legal in which of the following areas?
Ans: Near a crest of a hill or in a curve On a divided highway At rail crossings

Q. The driver of the car being passed must _ until the pass is complete.
Ans: not increase speed

Q. A child under the age of 6 years __ when all the rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 12 years.
Ans: may ride in the front seat of a vehicle with a seat belt

Q. From car, if you litter on the roadside you are subjected to a fine of:
Ans: $1000

Q. When you want to enter a freeway you should:
Ans: enter the freeway at or near the speed of the freeway traffic

Q. To avoid tailgating one should follow the:
Ans: three-second rule

Q. When drivers see livestock they should:
Ans: follow directions from the person in charge of the animals

Q. When you see this sign you should:
Ans: yield to the vehicles on the highway

Q. If your parked car rolls away and hits another vehicle you should:
Ans: report the incident to the city police

Q. A vehicle’s stopping distance is equal to:
Ans: the sum of the braking distance and reaction distance

Q. If drivers approaching from opposite directions reach a stop sign at about the same time, then:
Ans: a driver turning left must yield to approaching traffic going straight or turning right


California DMV Test Answers – Sample Paper 7

Q. High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) lanes are reserved for:
Ans: car pools and vehicles with more than one person

Q. What should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?
Ans: You must pull over to the side and allow the driver to pass

Q. The wide white line painted across a traffic lane before you enter the intersection is known as
Ans: stop line

Q. If you are approaching a stop sign, you must:
Ans: stop at the solid white stop line

Q. Which of the following statements about passing a vehicle is NOT true?
Ans: You can exceed the speed limit to make the pass quick

Q. If you approach an intersection with a yellow light, you must:
Ans: slow down and proceed with caution, if a stop cannot be made safely

Q. While driving, you are NOT allowed to use your horn when:
Ans: blind pedestrians are around

Q. _ occurs on wet roads when your front tires start to ride on water instead of the road.
Ans: Hydroplaning

Q. Which of the following right-of-way rules is not true?
Ans: At an intersection where there is no stop sign, yield sign or oncoming traffic signal, drivers must yield to vehicles coming from the left

Q. An __ is the connection of a freeway to a road or another freeway by a series of ramps.
Ans: interchange

Q. A two-headed arrow with one head pointing straight ahead and the other pointing to the left means:
Ans: you may either proceed straight ahead or turn to the left

Q. When you see a triangle-shaped road sign while driving, you must:
Ans: reduce your speed and yield

Q. A steady yellow arrow pointing left at an intersection indicates to the driver that:
Ans: the left turn signal is about to change to red

Q. Flag persons are often located in highways and work zones:
Ans: to stop, slow or guide traffic safely through construction areas

Q. If you are parked parallel on the right-hand side of the street, you should _ before pulling out into traffic.
Ans: give a left turn signal and look over your left shoulder

Q. A triangular orange sign on the back of a slow-moving vehicle indicates that:
Ans: the vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph

Q. On one-way roads, yellow lines are used as:
Ans: left-edge lines

Q. A yellow-flashing light used mostly on tow trucks and slow-moving vehicles requires other drivers to:
Ans: slow down their vehicles

Q. When approaching an intersection to make a right turn, you must stay _ and make the turn close to the right curb.
Ans: as far to the right as possible

Q. If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle in the _ of the lane.
Ans: center

Q. Car drivers should never move into the same lane with a motorcycle side by side, even if the lane is wide and the cyclist is riding to one side, because:
Ans: motorcycles need a full lane width

Q. Which of the following are used as left-edge lines on divided highways?
Ans: Single, solid, yellow lines

Q. Which of the following statements about right-of-way is incorrect?
Ans: At an uncontrolled T-intersection, the vehicle on the continuing street must yield to the vehicle on the terminating street

Q. Unless prohibited, drivers must use the ‘three point turn’ to:
Ans: turn around on a narrow street

Q. If you see double solid center yellow lines on your way, this means:
Ans: no passing is permitted

Q. If a pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk, you must:
Ans: stop and wait until the pedestrian has crossed the street

Q. You must not pass on two-lane highways in all of the following situations EXCEPT:
Ans: When there is a dashed yellow line on your side of the center dividing line

Q. You should not pass another vehicle under the following conditions, except:
Ans: your lane is separated by a broken yellow line

Q. If someone is following you too closely, you must:
Ans: slow down and encourage the driver to pass

Q. On two-lane roads where traffic moves in opposite directions, you may pass on the left only when:
Ans: a broken yellow line is in your lane

Q. Passing on the right is permitted in all of the following situations, EXCEPT:
Ans: when driving in a lane set aside for left turns

Q. Vehicles approaching a roundabout must:
Ans: yield to the traffic in the circle

Q. The correct hand signal for indicating a right turn is:
Ans: hand and arm extended upward

Q. If a driver extends his/her left arm horizontally out of an open window while driving on a road, this indicates that the driver is going to:
Ans: make a left turn

Q. A double solid yellow line on a pavement means that:
Ans: Passing is not allowed in either direction

Q. With any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a _ than the front wheels.
Ans: shorter path

Q. On a two-way roadway with a center lane, drivers from either direction can make _ on the center lane.
Ans: left turns

Q. The primary traveling aids for a blind person include:
Ans: a white cane or a trained guide dog

Q. Do not use your horn in the following situation(-s):
Ans: when you want the driver in front of you to move out of the way, at a blind person, because you may be angry or upset

Q. Which of the following statements is true regarding lane markings on the road?
Ans: A solid white line between lanes of traffic means that you should stay in your lane unless a special situation requires you to change lanes

Q. When you are turning from a one-way street onto a two-way or divided street, always turn from:
Ans: the lane nearest to the curb

Q. Which of the following cannot be considered a no-parking zone?
Ans: The curb or edge of the public road

Q. If you are changing lanes, preparing to pass another vehicle, or entering traffic, signal and check for passing traffic by first using your mirrors and then:
Ans: by checking your vehicle’s blind spots

Q. You should never back your vehicle in any travel lane except:
Ans: to parallel park

Q. If you are signaled by a flag person at/near a railroad crossing or construction site, you must:
Ans: follow signals, no matter which lane you are in when turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you must: begin the turn with your left wheel as close as possible to the yellow dividing line

Q. If your vehicle’s directional signals fail, use _ until you can have them repaired.
Ans: hand signals


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Things To Remember Before Taking California DMV Test

Following are the main key points that you have to keep in mind while taking DMV test in California:

  • Taking the California DMV test is a necessary step to getting your driver’s license. The test is designed to assess your knowledge of the state’s traffic laws and to ensure that you are a safe driver.
  • There are two parts to the California DMV test: the written exam and the skills test. You must pass both parts in order to get your license (check out CA DMV Handbook PDF here).
  • The written exam consists of 46 questions about traffic laws and signs. You must answer at least 38 of these questions correctly in order to pass.
  • The skills test is a behind-the-wheel driving test that assesses your ability to safely operate a vehicle. You must successfully complete the skills test in order to pass.
  • You can take the California DMV test at any DMV office. You will need to bring your birth certificate or other proof of identification, as well as a completed application form. You will also need to pay a fee for the test.
  • You can prepare for the California DMV test by studying the state’s driver’s handbook. This book is available online or at any DMV office.
  • The best way to ensure that you pass the California DMV test is to practice ahead of time. You can do this by taking a practice test (feel free to browse our Q&A above) or by taking a driving course.


With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to passing the California DMV test. Just remember to relax, take your time, and be prepared. With a little effort, you can enter the exciting world of driving in no time!

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